Green Lantern the Animated Series Captain Midnight

Green Lantern the Animated Series Captain Midnight

John Stewart was recruited by the Greenish Lantern Corps and trained for ten years, before returning soon subsequently Abin Sur's death. He became a founding member of the Justice League. He is too the father of future JLU fellow member Warhawk.


Equally a child, John Stewart was near-sighted, which required wearing corrective glasses. [4] He spent much of his youth with his uncle reading Justice Guild of America comics after schoolhouse. He developed much of his heroic characteristics from reading the comics and believed had he non read those comics he probably would never have been selected to be a member of the Green Lantern Corps. [2]

He later left home to enlist in the United states Marine Corps at a fairly immature age. Relatively little is known of John'southward war machine service, relieve that he met and befriended King Mason during that time, [5] and that he stopped using a nickname past that time that he considered embarrassing afterwards and told Flash never to repeat. [6]

After leaving the service, John Stewart was selected by the Guardians of the Universe to join the Green Lantern Corps. Early on in his Corps career, John would train under the veteran Light-green Lantern Katma Tui, with whom he shared a cursory romance. [7]

As Sector 2814 was already nether the protection of Green Lantern Abin Sur, John was eventually reassigned to another infinite sector; his activities during this fourth dimension are largely unrevealed, but John was amongst the Green Lanterns that brought down their renegade corpsman Sinestro, stripping him of his ability band. [eight] Some time later, following Abin Sur's demise at the hands of Sinestro, who by that time had sworn a claret oath against the Greenish Lantern Corps, John returned to his dwelling house sector. Abin Sur'due south designated successor, Kyle Rayner, would himself crave grooming earlier beingness assigned a sector of his ain. John Stewart was therefore sent to stand guard over Sector 2814, while Kyle Rayner was sent to Katma Tui for training. [7]

Non long after John'southward homecoming, he would answer the fateful summons to join 6 other heroes in opposing the Imperium invasion. [9] In the aftermath of that crisis, John readily agreed to Superman's suggestion that the seven heroes ring together equally the Justice League. [10]

John was the focal point of 1 of the League's earliest missions. A detachment of Manhunter Robots were sent to Earth to take John into custody, to respond charges of inadvertently destroying an inhabited world. The League followed, set to stand up for their comrade despite John's insistence that he exist held answerable for his actions. The League was able to prove that John was innocent, and that the entire situation had been framed and engineered by the Manhunters every bit function of a plot to exact revenge upon their former masters — the Guardians.

Share a moment on the Watchtower.

John connected to serve with stardom in the Justice League, forming a strong bond with his comrades. In particular, John grew closer to Hawkgirl. Although the two clashed at first, their shared armed forces/constabulary backgrounds provided common ground, and in time, the two became romantically involved.


This romantic attachment would exist shattered, notwithstanding, by the Thanagarian invasion. Hawkgirl's credible treachery, and engagement to Thanagarian Commander Hro Talak, all simply bankrupt John'south heart. After the Thanagarians were defeated, the League voted whether to reinstate or revoke Shayera's Justice League membership. John recused himself from voting due to his personal feelings toward Shayera, then Superman broke the tie because he believed in 2d chances. However, Shayera voluntarily resigned from the League before hearing their verdict. John shared ane last adieu with Shayera before she flew off to parts unknown.

Despite everything that happened, John remained with the Justice League through its expansion, although he at one betoken unsuccessfully appealed to the Guardians for reassignment to another infinite sector. He attempted to put himself back together and started seeing Justice League member Vixen. He besides shaved his head and grew a goatee. While John attempted to make it seem every bit if he was over Shayera, other members on the Justice League noticed that this was not the instance. To brand things even more complicated for John, Shayera came out of hiding to stop Solomon Grundy after he had risen from the grave a second fourth dimension. When Grundy had been put to rest by Shayera, John angrily informed reporters that not only was Shayera allowed back in the League; she was never actually kicked out in the offset identify. [11]

Things didn't get any easier with John in Justice League. When the fourth dimension traveler Chronos came dorsum in time to steal Batman'southward utility chugalug, John, Wonder Adult female and Batman chased him back to the Old West where they assisted him and a group of western heroes confronting Tobias Manning. Fifty-fifty though they defeated Manning, Chronos managed to go away again, but this fourth dimension he went back to his own time where he warped it, resulting in the devastation of the Justice League of that time. The trio chased him again where they met up with the concluding members of the Justice League: Batman Ii, Static and Warhawk.

While there, John discovered his unsettling future: He would get the father of Warhawk, and the mother would exist none other than Shayera Hol. As a result of Chronos' tampering, the space-time continuum itself began to unravel, causing Wonder Woman to vanish during the mission. John himself was briefly replaced past Dark-green Lantern Hal Jordan in another time shift, just returned in fourth dimension to assistance Batman and the others cease Chronos and restore the time dorsum to normal. John and Batman returned to their fourth dimension as the only ones bearing the noesis of what had happened in the mission. [12]

With this knowledge, John became awkward around both Vixen and Shayera. Information technology wouldn't be until over a year later on that he would inform Shayera of his discovery, after witnessing himself as the reincarnation of Bashari in Egypt. However, John refused to be destiny'south boob and decided to stay with Vixen until he chose otherwise. [xiii]

Equally one of the founding members of the League, John served as a vocalism of leadership within the organization throughout some of its about trying times, including the Cadmus crunch and the ongoing conflict with Grodd's Secret Gild.

Later the Flash ended up accidentally switching brains with Lex Luthor, John, upon Physician Fate restoring Flash to normal, pondered whether information technology was a success until Flash attempted to repeat John's story about his prior nickname from earlier he joined the Marine Corps every bit proof before John cut him off and verified that Flash is indeed dorsum before scolding him for near repeating that story. [6]

During Darkseid's final invasion of Earth, John was among the heroes who stood against him. He fought in Paris with Flash and Giganta, destroying the nearest magma-tapper. He was last seen chasing after the remaining members of the Legion of Doom along with all the other members of the Justice League. [fourteen]

Alternate Timelines

In an alternating future where Vandal Savage would inadvertently render the residual of the human race extinct, the Justice League minus Superman (who had been "killed" by beingness time-displaced) attempted to stop him in Metropolis, but Savage killed them all. 30,000 years later on, he told Superman that Green Lantern had been the near difficult. [15]


"And he's such a Marine! You lot should run into his underwear drawer. He folds his socks!"
Vixen [16]

John Stewart is at heart a professional soldier, a homo of duty. He takes his roles as a protector of Earth, a fellow member of the Green Lantern Corps, and a founding member of the Justice League with the utmost seriousness. At times this has led him into disharmonize with comrades similar the Wink or Supergirl, who do not appear to share this serious attitude. However, he afterwards grows out of this and ends up enjoying himself more along with easing upward with the other members. His personality reflects the military grooming and subject field he received as a fellow, even in his personal life. His habitation, haircut, and personal furnishings are all no frills and strictly commonsensical. His sense of responsibility is beyond reproach, as seen during his trial in the Ajuris Arrangement; John believes that beings entrusted with great power must be held accountable for their actions, including himself.

John'south long absence from his homeworld has left him with some difficulty fitting back into normal Globe society, but his experiences with the Justice League have helped him to bargain with this to some degree.

Compared to some Green Lanterns (such every bit Katma Tui, who has taken him to task on the matter), John tends to exist fairly straightforward in the use of his power band, eschewing complicated, innovative or imaginative ring-constructs in favor of elementary beam-blasts or defensive barriers to accomplish tasks. John'due south simple, efficient approach is likely a result of his military training which imparts simplicity as a virtue.

Another side of John Stewart

Beneath John's hard-nosed military exterior, there remains a certain (and normally well-hidden) streak of playfulness and sentimentality. On the rare occasions he allows himself to let his guard down, he is not higher up using his ability band to play in the snow, fondly recalling the comic-book heroes of his youth, or fifty-fifty admitting to a sure weakness for his favorite flick Old Yeller .

Powers and abilities

"I can withal pull my weight, you know. There's more than to me than merely a fancy ring." [7]

John Stewart possessed no innate superhuman abilities, apart perhaps from a nearly-dogged will. He was also unfailingly honest and almost without fear. These qualities made him an ideal candidate for membership in the Green Lantern Corps.

John's armed forces experience provided him with a strong grasp of tactics, and made him a skilled combatant — armed or unarmed. On 2 separate missions he went into battle without his band, and fared well. [17] [7]


Like all members of the Greenish Lantern Corps, John Stewart was issued a ability band and a lantern-shaped power battery. Thus equipped, John was extraordinarily well-prepared for the mission of maintaining gild within his assigned space sector. Midway through his Justice League career, he was re-taught in its use past Katma Tui, who criticized him (and other Corps members) for using their Rings "like jackhammers."

Love interests

During his grooming with the Corps, John barbarous in love with his trainer Katma Tui, whom he left when he returned to Earth. John entered into a relationship with Hawkgirl which came to a sudden end with the Thanagarian invasion. He would later form a relationship with fellow League fellow member Vixen, which was complicated somewhat past the former Hawkgirl's return to active service with the League. A meeting with his and Shayera's future son, Warhawk, has done trivial to convalesce John's conflicted feelings. Carter Hall'due south involvement in Shayera hasn't helped much, either. John eventually did rekindle his love for Hawkgirl, and they had a son together, Warhawk. This is explained in a graphic novel, Justice League Beyond, where on the night that John planned on proposing to Vixen, Shadow Thief impales her, and in a fit of rage, John murders him, leading to his expulsion from the Dark-green Lantern Corps, and eventually to his marriage to Shayera.

Background information

In the DC Comics, John Stewart was an unemployed builder who was selected by the Guardians to be the fill-in Lantern for Hal Jordan. Equally in the TV series, the comics version of Stewart had no qualms about making his identity equally a Green Lantern public, casting bated the mask when he commencement wore the GL compatible, stating: "This black man lets it all hang out! I've got null to hide!" [eighteen]

In the comics, Hashemite kingdom of jordan himself has served as both a Green Lantern and a fellow member of the Justice League of America and was originally to be the Green Lantern for the TV series. Stewart was instead chosen in an effort to bring in diversity, although much of his groundwork was modeled later on Jordan'southward, including his military experience and his office in taking downward Sinestro. Though not very well known amongst comic fans, Stewart'south career in the Lantern Corps has been quite notable, with him becoming the commencement mortal to arise to the rank of Guardian of the Universe. Stewart'southward presence on Justice League and Justice League Unlimited has helped to raise his profile amongst comic fans.



  1. Dini, Paul (writer) & Lukic, Butch (director) (Dec 13, 2003). "Condolement and Joy". Justice League . Flavor 2. Episode 23 (airdate). Episode 47 (product). Cartoon Network.
  2. ii.0 two.1 Kreisberg, Andrew (writer) & Riba, Dan (director) (April 28, 2002). "Legends, Part Ii". Justice League . Flavor i. Episode 17 (airdate). Episode nineteen (product). Cartoon Network.
  3. Berkowitz, Stan (writer) & Lukic, Butch (managing director) (October eleven, 2003). "Just A Dream, Function II". Justice League . Season ii. Episode half dozen (airdate). Episode 28 (product). Cartoon Network.
  4. Gilroy, Henry (author) & Dos Santos, Joaquim (director) (August 14, 2004). "Child Stuff". Justice League Unlimited . Season 1. Episode three (airdate). Episode 5 (production). Drawing Network.
  5. Uhley, Len (author) & Riba, Dan (managing director) (October 4, 2002). "Metamorphosis, Part I". Justice League . Flavour 1. Episode 22 (airdate). Episode 22 (production). Cartoon Network.
  6. 6.0 6.1 McDuffie, Dwayne (story) & Wayne, Matt (teleplay) & Riba, Dan (director) (March 4, 2006). "The Great Brain Robbery". Justice League Unlimited . Season 2. Episode eight (airdate). Episode 34 (production). Cartoon Network.
  7. 7.0 seven.1 vii.2 vii.3 Damron, Keith (writer) & Lukic, Butch (director) (October 25, 2003). "Hearts and Minds, Part 2". Justice League . Flavour two. Episode 10 (airdate). Episode 36 (production). Cartoon Network.
  8. Semper Jr., John, (writer) & Berkowitz, Stan (teleplay) & Drost, Chuck (managing director) (Feb seven, 2004). "Fallen Hero". Static Shock . Season four. Episode four (airdate). Episode 43 (product). Kids WB!.
  9. Fogel, Rich (writer) & Riba, Dan, Lukic, Butch (directors) (November 17, 2001). "Hush-hush Origins, Function Ii". Justice League . Season ane. Episode 2 (airdate). Episode 2 (production). Drawing Network.
  10. Fogel, Rich (writer) & Riba, Dan, Lukic, Butch (directors) (November 17, 2001). "Secret Origins, Office III". Justice League . Flavor 1. Episode iii (airdate). Episode 3 (production). Cartoon Network.
  11. McDuffie, Dwayne, Timm, Bruce (story) & McDuffie, Dwayne (teleplay) & Dos Santos, Joaquim (director) (December 18, 2004). "Wake the Dead". Justice League Unlimited . Flavour 1. Episode eleven (airdate). Episode 11 (production). Cartoon Network.
  12. McDuffie, Dwayne (writer) & Dos Santos, Joaquim (director) (January 29, 2005). "The Once and Future Thing Office Two: Fourth dimension, Warped". Justice League Unlimited . Season i. Episode 13 (airdate). Episode xiii (production). Cartoon Network.
  13. Wayne, Matt (story) & Johns, Geoff (teleplay) & Dos Santos, Joaquim (director) (April 29, 2006). "Ancient History". Justice League Unlimited . Flavor 2. Episode 11 (airdate). Episode 37 (production). Cartoon Network.
  14. McDuffie, Dwayne (writer) & Dos Santos, Joaquim (director) (May thirteen, 2006). "Destroyer". Justice League Unlimited . Flavor 2. Episode 13 (airdate). Episode 39 (production). Cartoon Network.
  15. Idem, "Time to come"
  16. 16.0 Berkowitz, Stan (story) & McDuffie, Dwayne (teleplay) & Dos Santos, Joaquim (director) (June eighteen, 2005). "Hunter's Moon". Justice League Unlimited . Flavour 1. Episode 21 (airdate). Episode 21 (production). Cartoon Network.
  17. Berkowitz, Stan (author) & Riba, Dan, Lukic, Butch (directors) (November ix, 2002). "The Fell Time, Part Three". Justice League . Flavor 1. Episode 26 (airdate). Episode 26 (product). Cartoon Network.
  18. Dark-green Lantern/Light-green Arrow vol. ii, #87 (December 1971/January 1972)

External links

Green Lantern the Animated Series Captain Midnight



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